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“All art consistently aspires towards the condition of music.”

- Walter Pater, Academic, Essayist, Writer

I believe the coolest of all art forms is music. Music is one of my greatest inspirations when I paint. When you look at my paintings, I want you to feel the same sensation you feel while listening to music. I paint from my soul. And I hope you see with yours. ♥️

The Art is Me

The art is me. I took a DNA test and discovered my ancestry is African, Native American, French, Welsh, German, and Swiss. This revelation made me compassionate for the traumatic journey that begets my diverse and complex heritage.

I illustrate raw emotions conveyed through body language. Emotions transcend cultural boundaries and connect us all. As an artist, I aspire to motivate others to embrace their unique heritage while fostering a connection to humanity through our shared emotional experiences.

Emotions are universal. Therefore, though I paint through the gaze of a black woman - if my art resonates with your soul, the art becomes an intimate portrait of you. And because of our emotional bond, you can look at my art and confidently declare, “The Art is Me!”

Experience the healing power of art.

In 2002, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). My motor skills were impaired. However, my ability to paint was not. I knew I was tremendously blessed.

Before MS, I did not exhibit or sell my artwork. I kept it all to myself because painting was my diary. Then, my mom told me, “When you receive a blessing, you should share it with others.” So, by exhibiting my artwork, I am sharing my blessing with you. I hope my story inspires you. And I hope my art captivates you.

“People don't support strong things.”

- LaShonda, The Soulful Artist

Society expects black women to be strong and resilient, but this expectation can also be a burden. We are rarely given the care and attention that fragile beings receive because society does not view us as breakable.

Through my art, I hope to inspire women to redefine strength. True strength is being honest. And it requires embracing our fragility and speaking in our authentic voice. My paintings celebrate strength as well as fragility. Painting a safe and welcoming space where vulnerability is accepted and encouraged.

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Trusted Art Seller

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This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!


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